Claude Shannon
(30 articles)
Graph Theory
Field of mathematics and computer science focusing on the properties of graphs, which are structures made up of vertices (or nodes) connected by edges.
Generality: 828

Based on Boolean algebra, involving binary variables representing true or false, essential for logic operations in AI systems.
Generality: 500

Negative Feedback
Control mechanism where the output of a system is fed back into the system in a way that counteracts fluctuations from a setpoint, thereby promoting stability.
Generality: 830

Irrelevant or meaningless data in a dataset or unwanted variations in signals that can interfere with the training and performance of AI models.
Generality: 735

Concept that certain computational systems can simulate any other computational system, given the correct inputs and enough time and resources.
Generality: 941

Church-Turing Thesis
A hypothesis proposing that any computational problem solvable by a human using algorithms can also be solved by a Turing machine, which forms a foundation for the theoretical limits of computation.
Generality: 500

System or process is one that, given a particular initial state, will always produce the same output or result, with no randomness or unpredictability involved.
Generality: 775

Process of reducing the precision of the weights and activations in neural network models to decrease their memory and computational requirements.
Generality: 673

Measures the amount of unexpectedness or information content associated with a specific outcome in a probabilistic event.
Generality: 650

Numerical Processing
Algorithms and techniques for handling and analyzing numerical data to extract patterns, make predictions, or understand underlying trends.
Generality: 890

Symbolic Computing
A paradigm in AI that uses symbolic representations of problems and logic-based reasoning to perform computational tasks and solve complex problems.
Generality: 795

Step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem or performing a task.
Generality: 960

Memory Systems
Mechanisms and structures designed to store, manage, and recall information, enabling machines to learn from past experiences and perform complex tasks.
Generality: 790

Supervised learning task in ML where the goal is to assign input data to one of several predefined categories.
Generality: 854

Machine Understanding
Capability of AI systems to interpret and comprehend data, text, images, or situations in a manner akin to human understanding.
Generality: 828

Numerical Data
Data that is represented in the form of numbers, allowing for quantitative analysis and computational applications in AI and ML.
Generality: 500

Control Logic
Decision-making processes within a system that manage and dictate how various components respond to inputs, aiming to achieve desired outcomes or maintain specific conditions.
Generality: 840

Silicon-Based Intelligence
Concept of artificial intelligence systems that operate on silicon-based hardware, contrasting with biological, carbon-based forms of intelligence such as humans.
Generality: 777

Discrete System
A system characterized by distinct, separate states or events, typically used in computing and AI to describe processes or algorithms that operate over finite or countable sets.
Generality: 625

Black Box
System or model whose internal workings are not visible or understandable to the user, only the input and output are known.
Generality: 822

Converts written text into spoken voice output, enabling computers to read text aloud.
Generality: 815

A fabrication facility, or fab, is where microchips are manufactured using sophisticated processes involving advanced materials and photolithography.
Generality: 525

Uncertainty Reduction
A process in AI by which systems manage and diminish uncertainty in predictions and decisions to improve performance and reliability.
Generality: 830

Data Analysis
Examination and interpretation of complex data sets to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that drive decision-making.
Generality: 500

A decision-making strategy in game theory and AI that aims to minimize the possible losses in worst-case scenarios by maximizing the worst-case outcome.
Generality: 775

Matrix Models
Mathematical frameworks that use matrices with parameters to represent and solve complex problems, often in ML, statistics, and systems theory.
Generality: 728

Cross Entropy Loss
Loss function used to measure the difference between two probability distributions for a given random variable or set of events.
Generality: 851

Ability of an algorithm or model to deliver consistent and accurate results under varying operating conditions and input perturbations.
Generality: 885

Process of verifying the integrity and authenticity of a system or software, ensuring that it has not been tampered with or compromised.
Generality: 585

Systems or processes that are inherently random, involving variables that are subject to chance.
Generality: 885