Herbert Simon
(29 articles)
Based on Boolean algebra, involving binary variables representing true or false, essential for logic operations in AI systems.
Generality: 500

Abductive Reasoning
Form of logical inference that starts with an observation and seeks the simplest and most likely explanation for it.
Generality: 815

Utility Function
Mathematical tool utilized in AI to model preferences and calculate the best decision based on expected outcomes.
Generality: 830

Optimization Problem
Optimization problem in AI which involves finding the best solution from all feasible solutions, given a set of constraints and an objective to achieve or optimize.
Generality: 895

A concept in cognitive psychology and AI, where information is broken down and grouped into chunks to simplify complex data and optimize memory usage.
Generality: 800

Chunking Strategy
Method of grouping similar pieces of information together to simplify processing and enhance memory performance.
Generality: 755

Adaptive Problem Solving
The capacity of AI systems to modify their approaches to problem-solving based on new data, feedback, or changing environments, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness over time.
Generality: 790

The process within AI of exploring possible actions or solutions in order to achieve goals or solve problems.
Generality: 890

Supervised learning task in ML where the goal is to assign input data to one of several predefined categories.
Generality: 854

Process of creating a digital model of a real-world or theoretical situation to study the behavior and dynamics of systems.
Generality: 840

Control Logic
Decision-making processes within a system that manage and dictate how various components respond to inputs, aiming to achieve desired outcomes or maintain specific conditions.
Generality: 840

Black Box
System or model whose internal workings are not visible or understandable to the user, only the input and output are known.
Generality: 822

Uncertainty Reduction
A process in AI by which systems manage and diminish uncertainty in predictions and decisions to improve performance and reliability.
Generality: 830

Forward Chaining
An inference method used in AI, particularly in rule-based systems, that derives conclusions by iteratively applying rules to known data until a goal is reached.
Generality: 596

Process of linking abstract symbols or data representations to real-world meanings or experiences, enabling the system to understand and act based on those symbols in a meaningful way.
Generality: 755

A decision-making strategy in game theory and AI that aims to minimize the possible losses in worst-case scenarios by maximizing the worst-case outcome.
Generality: 775

Minimax Loss
A strategy used in optimization and decision-making problems to minimize the maximum possible loss.
Generality: 500

Probabilistic Inferencing
A technique in AI focused on drawing conclusions based on the probability of different outcomes, given partial or uncertain information.
Generality: 870

Phenomenon where larger entities, patterns, and regularities arise through interactions among smaller or simpler entities that themselves do not exhibit such properties.
Generality: 750

State Representation
The method by which an AI system formulates a concise and informative description of the environment's current situation or context.
Generality: 682

Process of using data-driven algorithms to forecast future outcomes or trends based on historical data.
Generality: 825

Principle of Rationality
The assumption that an AI agent will act in a way that maximizes its expected utility based on its understanding of the environment.
Generality: 775

AI Effect
Phenomenon where once an AI system can perform a task previously thought to require human intelligence, the task is no longer considered to be a benchmark for intelligence.
Generality: 770

Situated Approach
Views intelligence as fundamentally embedded in and influenced by the physical and social environments in which it operates.
Generality: 675

Ability of an algorithm or model to deliver consistent and accurate results under varying operating conditions and input perturbations.
Generality: 885

Integration of human judgment into AI systems to improve or guide the decision-making process.
Generality: 665

How multiple agents or components work together in a system to achieve better performance or solutions than they could individually.
Generality: 800

Shared Awareness
Collective understanding and perception of information among multiple agents, both human and machine, in a given environment.
Generality: 500

An AI system's ability to recognize and rectify its own mistakes or errors without external intervention.
Generality: 815