John Von Neumann
(52 articles)
Mathematical operation used in signal processing and image processing to combine two functions, resulting in a third function that represents how one function modifies the other.
Generality: 870

Statistical method used in ML to predict a continuous outcome variable based on one or more predictor variables.
Generality: 860

Fourier Analysis
Mathematical method for decomposing functions or signals into their constituent frequencies.
Generality: 816

Linear Algebra
Branch of mathematics focusing on vector spaces and linear mappings between these spaces, which is essential for many machine learning algorithms.
Generality: 950

Gradient Descent
Optimization algorithm used to find the minimum of a function by iteratively moving towards the steepest descent direction.
Generality: 870

Based on Boolean algebra, involving binary variables representing true or false, essential for logic operations in AI systems.
Generality: 500

Negative Feedback
Control mechanism where the output of a system is fed back into the system in a way that counteracts fluctuations from a setpoint, thereby promoting stability.
Generality: 830

Phase Transition
Critical point where a small change in a parameter or condition causes a significant shift in the system's behavior or performance.
Generality: 856

Multi-dimensional array used in mathematics and computer science, serving as a fundamental data structure in neural networks for representing data and parameters.
Generality: 920

Log Likelihood
Logarithm of the likelihood function, used in statistical models to measure how well a model explains a given set of data.
Generality: 798

Inverse Problems
Determining the underlying causes or parameters from observed data, essentially reversing the usual process of predicting effects from known causes.
Generality: 765

Whether a problem can be algorithmically solved, meaning there exists a clear procedure (algorithm) that will determine a yes-or-no answer for any given input within a finite amount of time.
Generality: 861

Irrelevant or meaningless data in a dataset or unwanted variations in signals that can interfere with the training and performance of AI models.
Generality: 735

Arrangement of all or part of a set of objects in a specific order.
Generality: 765

A characteristic of certain complex systems or models where they cannot be simplified further without losing essential properties or predictive power.
Generality: 665

Concept that certain computational systems can simulate any other computational system, given the correct inputs and enough time and resources.
Generality: 941

Church-Turing Thesis
A hypothesis proposing that any computational problem solvable by a human using algorithms can also be solved by a Turing machine, which forms a foundation for the theoretical limits of computation.
Generality: 500

System or process is one that, given a particular initial state, will always produce the same output or result, with no randomness or unpredictability involved.
Generality: 775

Process of reducing the precision of the weights and activations in neural network models to decrease their memory and computational requirements.
Generality: 673

Utility Function
Mathematical tool utilized in AI to model preferences and calculate the best decision based on expected outcomes.
Generality: 830

Processing power and resources required to run AI algorithms and models.
Generality: 915

Scientific Computing
Computational methods and tools to solve complex scientific and engineering problems.
Generality: 860

Objective Function
Objective function used in ML which quantitatively defines the goal of an optimization problem by measuring the performance of a model or solution.
Generality: 858

Interdisciplinary study of control and communication in living organisms and machines.
Generality: 900

Monte Carlo Estimation
A technique used within AI to approximate the probability of an event by running several simulations and observations.
Generality: 800

Numerical Processing
Algorithms and techniques for handling and analyzing numerical data to extract patterns, make predictions, or understand underlying trends.
Generality: 890

Optimization Problem
Optimization problem in AI which involves finding the best solution from all feasible solutions, given a set of constraints and an objective to achieve or optimize.
Generality: 895

Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming
Method used in computer science and mathematics to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and solving each of these subproblems just once, storing their solutions.
Generality: 830

Rejection Sampling
Method used to generate samples from a probability distribution by proposing candidates from a simpler distribution and accepting or rejecting them based on a criterion related to the target distribution.
Generality: 653

Step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem or performing a task.
Generality: 960

Hypothetical future point at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.
Generality: 800

MCP neuron
Early computational model of a biological neuron forming the basis for artificial neural networks.
Generality: 500

Simultaneous execution of multiple processes or tasks to improve performance and efficiency.
Generality: 811

Process of creating a digital model of a real-world or theoretical situation to study the behavior and dynamics of systems.
Generality: 840

Numerical Data
Data that is represented in the form of numbers, allowing for quantitative analysis and computational applications in AI and ML.
Generality: 500

Function Approximation
Method used in AI to estimate complex functions using simpler, computationally efficient models.
Generality: 810

Control Logic
Decision-making processes within a system that manage and dictate how various components respond to inputs, aiming to achieve desired outcomes or maintain specific conditions.
Generality: 840

Discrete System
A system characterized by distinct, separate states or events, typically used in computing and AI to describe processes or algorithms that operate over finite or countable sets.
Generality: 625

Black Box
System or model whose internal workings are not visible or understandable to the user, only the input and output are known.
Generality: 822

Autoregressive Prediction
Involves predicting future values in a sequence based on past values using a self-referential model.
Generality: 716

Curse of Dimensionality
Phenomenon where the complexity and computational cost of analyzing data increase exponentially with the number of dimensions or features.
Generality: 827

Computational Complexity Theory
A branch of theoretical computer science that focuses on classifying computational problems based on their inherent difficulty and the resources required to solve them.
Generality: 500

Standard or set of standards used to measure and compare the performance of algorithms, models, or systems.
Generality: 855

A decision-making strategy in game theory and AI that aims to minimize the possible losses in worst-case scenarios by maximizing the worst-case outcome.
Generality: 775

Minimax Loss
A strategy used in optimization and decision-making problems to minimize the maximum possible loss.
Generality: 500

Matrix Models
Mathematical frameworks that use matrices with parameters to represent and solve complex problems, often in ML, statistics, and systems theory.
Generality: 728

Process of using data-driven algorithms to forecast future outcomes or trends based on historical data.
Generality: 825

Principle of Rationality
The assumption that an AI agent will act in a way that maximizes its expected utility based on its understanding of the environment.
Generality: 775

Discount Factor
Multiplicative factor used to reduce future values or rewards to their present value in decision-making processes, particularly in reinforcement learning.
Generality: 790

A controlled, isolated testing environment used to execute, test, or simulate programs and code without affecting the main system.
Generality: 500

Ability of an algorithm or model to deliver consistent and accurate results under varying operating conditions and input perturbations.
Generality: 885

Systems or processes that are inherently random, involving variables that are subject to chance.
Generality: 885